Barbara Doser | Hofstetter Kurt tense_intense

Barbara Doser and Hofstetter Kurt design a fascinating exhibition itinerary studded with videos, installations, image prints, projections and sculptures, whose common thread is the interweaving and simultaneity of opposites.
Barbara Doser, a multi-role artist who works with the video art, sculpture, painting and graphic art media in addition with photographs, uses video feedback technology to create the abstract forms in motion and movements as form. His works address profound themes such as the simultaneous existence of individual and society, man and woman, as well as the resulting conflicts, all expressed through striking abstract artistic metaphors.
Hofstetter Kurt, an artist with many different talents, distinguishes himself not only in the conceptual and multimedia fields, but also as a sound designer and composer. Philosophical mathematics, which delves into the universe of infinities, is the source of inspiration guiding his artistic experiments, where parallelism and circular motion are explored in an expressive way.
Both artists enjoy a high international level of appreciation. As an art collective Parallel Media-Barbara Doser | Hofstetter Kurt develops experimental and abstract videos and video installations that have been presented in festivals, museums and galleries in 40 countries worldwide. Hofstetter Kurt, recipient of the prestigious Austrian state prize 'Österreichischen Kunstpreise-Medien Kunst' 2020, has left his mark on the urban fabric of Vienna through prominent interventions, such as 'Planet der Pendler mit den drei Zeitmonden', a work exhibited in the Viennese underground station, Landstrasse Wien-Mitte. Equally significant is the sculpture 'N.I.C.-Nature is cool', based on the golden proportion, which stands at the intersection of two streets in the city's 8th district.
The 'tense_intense' exhibition is a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the creative universe of two talented contemporary Austrian artists, who through their art offer the public a compelling perspective on the interplay of contrasts and dualities.
The exhibition, sponsored by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, is organised by Laura Carlotta Gottlob and financed by the Austrian Ministry of Culture and the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with Associazione Two Congruent Zero modulo Art and Science. Museum Services of Zetema Progetto Cultura.
From 21 September 2023 to 21 January 2024
Tuesday to Friday 13.00 - 19.00 hrs.
Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 to 19.00
Last entry half an hour before closing time
Closing day: every Monday
October - January
Tuesday to Friday from 10.00 to 16.00 hrs.
Saturday and Sunday 10.00 - 19.00
Last admission half an hour before closing
Closing day: every Monday
ALWAYS CONSULT THE NOTICES PAGE before planning your visit to the museum
Tel. 060608 (every day from 9.00 to 19.00)
Promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Curated by Laura Carlotta Gottlob, financed by the Austrian Ministry of Culture and the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in collaboration with the Association Two Congruent Zero modulo Art and Science
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