Bizhan Bassiri - Specchio Solare

In the outside area of Carlo Bilotti Museum
The light, Noor in Persian language, is the principal element of Bizhan Bassiri’s work.
The sculpture Specchio Solare is back in Italy after its success in the exhibition dedicated to Bassiri at the AUN Gallery in Tehran. In Rome, in the Carlo Bilotti Museum the work will get in touch with the green heart of the city creating a link between the two capitals and their cultures both living in the artist himself.
Work exhibited: BIZHAN BASSIRI_DSC_1872
Bizhan Bassiri, Noor, 2015, Aun Gallery Tehran, Iran - photo credits Mahhnaz Sahhaf
The word Noor clearly refers to the natural light which will put in touch the sculpture Specchio Solare by Bizhan Bassiri with the space surrounding it, freeing it from its basic function of reflecting surface to turn it into a place where the light becomes shape. On Bilotti Museum’s door the Italian- Persian artist makes an act of continuity in the space creating a passage on a new dimension, therefore activating an endless series of returns between real and imaginary.
Permanent exposition out of the museum
Free entrance
0039 060608 (every day from 9.00 to 19.00)
Promted by:
Roma Capitale - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Servizi museali:
Zètema Progetto Cultura
Tehran Museum of Contemporary Arts,
Fondazione VOLUME! di Roma,
AUN Gallery di Tehran
and Claudio Poleschi Arte Contemporanea di Lucca
MasterCard Priceless Rome
Zètema Progetto Cultura
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