Donna bionda di spalle

Giorgio de Chirico
1930 aproximately
Material and technique:
olio su tela
92,3 x 72,2 cm
Galerie L'Effort Moderne (Archivi n. 1328), Paris; Collezione Francesco Anfuso, Roma
A nude seen from behind, of imposing size, bringing to mind Renoir’s giant bathers. The woman, whose averted face is lit by auburn strokes, is seated on a rock set against a soft white cloth, orientated against a clear and fluffy sky, rendered with threaded brushstrokes and a burst of sea made from oblique white brushstrokes. Renoir’s influence is seen not just in the subject, but also in the rendering of the flesh, animated by milky strokes or softened or heightened by ochre, orange or violet touches. Despite the antique and timeless tonality, the subject declares its contemporary nature in the cut and colour of the hair.