Orfeo solitario

Giorgio de Chirico, Orfeo solitario

Giorgio de Chirico

Material and technique: 
olio su tela
81,3 x 62,2 cm
proprietà dell'artista; collezione privata

The musician god is represented with a lyre in his hand on a stage set. On the base behind Orpheus is painted a landscape full of the light typical of the Mediterranean, more relaistic and less mythological than ever: the blue sea, the white houses, the olive trees, a calm summer sky. The palette of the artist in his old age is full of joy, it is as sunny as that of a child. In this, one of his last works, de Chirico dreams of his own native land and in the role of artist-singer-mannequin, bids farewell to his audience, to whom he offers an essay on his repertoire.

Masterpieces of the hall

The hall

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